COVID-19 Listening & Learning Series: Live Engagement

Session 1: Community Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

This session featured Boost Community members sharing their own experience with COVID-19 vaccine rollout in their respective countries.

The first session of Boost Listening and Learning Series took place on April 12, 2021. For this first session, we were joined by Nqobizitha Ndlovu, the Africa Regional Director for Adaptive Change Advisors, as he facilitated dialogue among a diverse group of Boost Community members.

Throughout the session, each panelist touched on their own experience with COVID-19 vaccine rollout in their respective countries. Despite the different contexts represented on the panel, common themes emerged including vaccine hesitancy among health workers and the importance of effective communication and leveraging lessons from previous epidemics to successfully address COVID-19 challenges.



Nqobizitha Ndlovu

Moderator African Regional Director, Adaptive Change Advisors South Africa

Live Engagement Recording


Session 1: Follow-up

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